The Rested You

Winter program

An 8-week online journey with yoga nidra, movement, reflection & journaling, meditation, breath and ceremony.

Explore and unravel your relationship with rest

“That’s the gift of winter: it’s irresistible. Change will happen in its wake, whether we like it or not. We can come out of it wearing a different coat.”

― Katherine May, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times

Why we created

The Rested YOU

We believe focussing on nourishing and restful practices where we turn inwards and tend to our needs is powerful. Instead of rushing to start the new year, slowing down and giving yourself space to receive rest will open you up to new life and possibilities.

Through accessible yet powerful practices we’ll guide you into deep rest and create the support for you to start implementing more rest into your life. 

We’ll explore different ways of supporting your nervous system, your relationship with rest (and those who came before you), and support you into discovering what that rested version of you could look and feel like. 

We are Rachel and Claudia, the creators of Norway’s most in-depth yoga nidra and deep rest teacher training, and we are so excited to come together to hold space and support you on your journey towards becoming The Rested You.

Winter & Deep Rest

Wintering is a way of embracing the darker and more challenging seasons of life, both literally and metaphorically. Wintering involves taking the time to slow down, reflect, and nourish ourselves, just as plants and animals do during the winter months.

For many people, winter can be a difficult time of year. The long nights and cold weather can leave us feeling isolated, anxious, and low in energy. However, by approaching winter as a time for rest and renewal, we can begin to shift our perspective and find new ways to thrive.

Wintering can take many different forms, depending on our individual needs and preferences..

Whatever form it takes, wintering can be a powerful tool for cultivating wellbeing and growth. By embracing the darkness and stillness of winter, we can deepen our connection to ourselves and others, and emerge stronger and more resilient in the spring.

“Rachel and Claudia are more than just teachers, they are true light-bearers in every sense of the word. Have rarely encountered a training so well prepared and organized and at the same time very peaceful, relaxed and harmonious. They definitely practice what they preach and embody the art of yoga nidra - of total relaxation and presence. A profound training with profound and lasting effects. Cannot thank them enough for the work they are doing and their devotion to making this world a better place!”

Ragnhild G.



Rest is our birthright - and in a world where working hard, and playing hard is promoted, being tired is normalised and where sleep is overrated, Rest is the counter-movement. This is where we meet all the doing with intentional REST. To understand and begin to embody the natural cycle of Stress & Rest simply because our bodies need it. The way we rest and recharge is FUNDAMENTAL, and the way we reflect, process and integrate experiences PLAYS OUT DAILY IN OUR FUTURE.



The practices we have created for this program bring you home to your body, to your breath, to your mind, and the whole of you. Carefully and purposefully curated, so that every part of you feels nourished and cared for. The practices naturally bring you through a process of deep rest, awakening curiosity & imagination and bringing you full circle as you emerge from winter as The Rested You. There is no previous experience required with any of these practices before embarking on this journey. The whole of you is welcome here.

Is this you?

You understand how important Rest is, yet constantly find yourself unable to say YES to it when it feels most needed in your life.

You struggle with knowing when to rest or even how to. You have this idea of it being a certain way and not being able to live up to that.

You feel you never have the time to Rest. Your life tends to be non-stop and you don't know how to slow it down, without the feeling of letting yourself or others down.

You feel that you first have to do something before you actually deserve to rest.

You believe Rest is your divine right, that you do not need to earn or prove yourself to receive it.

The rested you has unlimited potential

Are you looking to feel more creative?

Are you in need of more energy?

Are you ready to feel more grounded and whole?

Are you longing to create a personal practice that is easy and accessible?

What does The Rested You look like?


Built tension can be released and the body can soften.


The need to rush and go at speed dissipates, and slowness feels more aligned.


Solutions and creativity arise with more ease.


I feel more comfortable & confident in myself.


I'm kinder to myself and others.

What's Included


3 x Live 90 minute - Online Sessions with Claudia & Rachel.

We meet in ceremony on the opening day, at the halfway point & to close with ceremony at the completion. This is an opportunity to build a connection with your guides and feel held in a like minded community.


12 - High quality recorded practices, including 

3 x Yoga Nidra - audio

3 x Movement seasonal practice -  video

4 x Meditation & breath practices - audio/video

2 x Inquiry & discovery session - video


Access to a private Insight Timer group on the meditation App - where you will find some of Rachel & Claudia's favourite practices for everyday rest & support.


A Downloadable PDF workbook - filled with helpful inquiry prompts for journaling, and a step by step guide to the whole 8 week program. 

Chapter 1


In chapter 1, we will explore your relationship with Rest, delving into what you came with into this life. Winter is the season of turning inwards to tend to our hearts.

Chapter 2

Planting Seeds

Chapter 2, We begin to imagine a different way, how do we see ourselves in the future as rested beings? With any change, comes the loving task of planting new seeds for growth.

chapter 3

The Rested You

To complete our time together we build support and develop practical ways to continue this process. Who are we as a Rested being? what does it look and feel like?




You have access to all recorded practices until December 31st 2024.

We have 3 scholarship spots that can access the program with 50% off by using the code HALFPRICE - You don’t have to apply or explain, and the code automatically stops working once 3 people have used it.

Please be aware this is a no-refund program, so make sure you read through and understand what you are signing up for.

Check the program amount in your currency.


Last day to sign up 
 thursday 11. january

SIgnups close on THursday at 7 PM

The journey starts at 7.30 pm


Things you need to know

DATES & TIMES (all sessions are 90 mins)

Thursday 11. January 7.30 PM - Opening ceremony

Sunday 28. January 7:30 PM - Planting Seeds ceremony

Thursday 29. February 7:30 PM - Closing ceremony



All Live sessions will be accessed by a Zoom Link given when you sign up.



Yourself - each practice will have included a set up and give you options on how you can best enjoy it.


All recorded practices and resources will be sent out via email. We recommend creating a folder and keeping all the emails together for easy access. There is a calendar in the workbook where all practices are listed and the dates you receive them in your inbox.



The Rested You program is an online container that you can access in your own time, pace and space. The practices will be delivered to your inbox for you to practice when you are ready. Since we strongly believe in the power of community and being on the journey together, we’ll be hosting three (!) live sessions to support you. These will be a space for connection, questions and answers, and ceremony. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live: you’ll receive a recording within 24 hrs after the session.

“This work is not simply a reminder to rest, but a full interruption and a turning toward a rested future.” - Tricia Hersey

Meet your guides

Claudia & Rachel

The creators

Rachel and Claudia are the creators of the Immersive Yoga Nidra + Deep Rest Teacher Training - Norway's most comprehensive Yoga Nidra teacher training. They're Nidra guides and rest advocates, who have guided thousands of people in groups, 1:1, and through the online platform Insight Timer.

“I can really feel that you and Claudia come from a «lived through and learned» state. It feels really safe for me!.”


“The fantastic combined pair of teachers and guides”

-previous students of Claudia & Rachel


Which style of yoga is practiced during the movement sessions?

We practice a combination of styles of Hatha, Yin, Restorative & LYT yoga and all of these are accessible and inspiring for both complete beginners and more experienced yoga practitioners. 

How will the program be delivered?

You will receive a PDF workbook with a schedule, every practice will be sent out via email and we encourage you to create an email folder to save them all together for easy access.

What if I can't afford it?

We have 3 scholarship spots available that can access the program with a 50% discount. Use code HALF PRICE if you feel this is for you.

What if I can't make it live?

No worries at all! You’ll receive a recording within 24 hrs of all 3 of the live sessions. This isn't mandatory to show up live, but we know the Live session can be powerful moments for community healing.

How much time do I need for the program?

We’re here to show you that you don’t need much time and space to create a dedicated rest practice and that it is 100% possible to rest - and learn how to rest - even with little time. For the actual practices in this program, you’ll need a total of about 2 hrs per week for practice and reflection.

Until when do I have access?

You have access to all recorded practices until December 31st 2024. The workbook is of course yours to keep forever. 

Are you ready to meet The rested YOU?

Slow-start the year

with a beautiful mix of Live and recorded practices & ceremony